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Top Reasons To Use An Email Service Provider

Some small businesses think they can do a sufficient job utilizing a regular client-based email program, which simply sends and receives messages. However, there are so many advantages to using an Email Service Provide (ESP) like Mailchimp. This article points out some of the most compelling reasons below.

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  1. Tracking and Analytics: ESPs provide detailed tracking and analytics on email campaigns, including open rates, click-through rates, and conversion rates. This allows you to measure the success of campaigns and make data-driven decisions to improve the success of your email marketing program.

  2. Deliverability: ESPs have dedicated IP addresses and servers that are optimized for sending large volumes of emails, which helps to ensure that the emails are delivered to the inboxes of recipients. Client-based services like Gmail, for example, are not designed for sending bulk emails for marketing campaigns. Doing so makes your message more likely to be flagged as spam so it's never seen.

  3. Email Design: ESPs provide a wide range of features for creating professional-looking emails, including templates, drag-and-drop editors, and the ability to personalize emails. In 2019, Epsilon found that personalized email campaigns had an open rate 29% higher than non-personalized campaigns, and that personalized emails had a click-through rate that was 41% higher than non-personalized emails.

  4. Scalability: ESPs are designed to handle large volumes of emails and can distribute your message to literally hundreds of thousands addresses. On the contrary, client-based email programs often have a limit of around 500 addresses, making it difficult to send emails to a large number of people.

  5. Automated Messaging: ESPs also have automation capabilities that enable businesses to send targeted emails at the right time to the right people. And you can setup multi-step automated email campaigns that will deliver an entire flow of emails that are sent based on the triggers you manage.

  6. List Management: ESPs provide tools for managing email lists, including the ability to segment lists, add and remove subscribers, and clean up bounced or invalid email addresses.

Overall, Email Service Providers (ESPs) are specifically designed for sending bulk emails and are equipped with the necessary tools and features to run successful email marketing campaigns.

We can help you supercharge your email marketing. Contact Praktikel directly or visit us online to learn what we are all about.


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